Understanding Roles

In this discussion, we will explore three types of roles provided by Salespoint: Stand-Alone, Server, and Client.


The Stand-Alone role refers to programs installed on a single device that operate independently. Standalone roles run exclusively on the device and do not require any additional software to function. "Standalone" essentially means "independent from any other dependencies."


Client-Server roles, on the other hand, are distributed applications that run on a network and are designed to offer services to clients. These applications are capable of serving multiple users or clients simultaneously. They excel in scalability, flexibility, and the ability to provide shared resources to multiple clients. The Client-Server Application allows tasks like processing sales and takeaways to be executed between the server and one or more client modules.

How to Change Role

1. If you are currently signed in, sign out.

2. In the top right corner, select the registration settings.

3. Choose the role you want your app to assume.


If you intend to use the Client-Server Role, you will need the IP address of the server, which can be found in the server device's settings.

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