EFTPOS Integration
SalesPoint allows you to integrate with an EFTPOS NZ terminal using POSLink for automatic EFTPOS transactions on sales.

1. From the sign-in screen, press the hardware setup button (outlined in red above)
2. From the tabs on the left select 'EFTPOS '
3. If "Integrated EFTPOS " is "Off" press it so that it displays "On".
4. Select "EFTPOS New Zealand" from the "Provider" drop-down.
5. Type in the IP address of the terminal. This IP must be static. If you do not know the IP address please contact the provider.
The port should be kept as 4444 unless otherwise specified.
6. Press 'Test', if the settings are correct you should get a success message.
7. Press 'Save' to save the EFTPOS configuration.
Congratulations, EFTPOS is now configured and will be used when pressing "EFTPOS" on sale payment.